tokidoki Exclusive Gift With Purchase!

Celebrate Mother's Day with tokidoki's exclusive gift with purchase! Spend $50 or more and receive a Limited Edition Flower Power Unicorno Heart Mirror Compact with your order (while supplies last). Limited time offer, so don't miss out!

Gift will automatically be added to qualifying orders at time of shipment.

New tokidoki x JuJuBe Cosmic Desert!

Journey through the Cosmic Desert with tokidoki × JuJuBe!  This collection features neon lights, giant cocktails, and games of chance for those feeling lucky, along with mystical healers, sprites, and other cute cosmic travelers.  Best of all, each bag features a special SANDy character puller. Get ready for an intergalactic adventure like no other with tokidoki × JuJuBe Cosmic Desert!

*Sticker with Cosmic Desert order while supplies last!

New Fairy Unicorno Blind Box!

Venture deep into the forest where the Fairy Unicorno play amongst the trees and flowers, fluttering and flying alongside the butterflies and dragonflies! The Fairy Unicorno Blind Box Series features nine fanciful Fairy Unicorno along with a special sticker! Come join the enchanted adventure with tokidoki’s Fairy Unicorno!